Butterfly Iron Price in Bangladesh

Butterfly electronics is an electronics manufacturer and supplier brand with a basic focus on home appliances. Butterfly electronics has been in Bangladesh ever since the 1990s and has been distributing appliance products ever since. They now work in conjunction with LG and Eco+. Butterfly electronics has had a global presence and currently works with many global brands worldwide in countries like India and China. They operate under the Butterfly name in Bangladesh. As mentioned earlier, Butterfly concentrates mainly on the microwave ovens, washing machines, televisions, etc. are distributed by Butterfly electronics. They also put their focus on smaller appliances. They have a very potent range of irons under their production.

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Bosch Iron Price List in Bangladesh

Latest Butterfly Irons Price in Bangladesh
Butterfly Endura  1600 Taka


Butterfly Irons are made primarily for home use. Butterfly electronics mainly concentrate on the utility portion of any appliance. The home utility is the main focus of their product range. The Iron range mostly consists of dry irons running on electricity. These irons are ideal for small homes. These irons are easy to handle, and also they are very power sensitive. The use of less steam also ensures your electric bills stay low. Also, the use of smooth plates on the bottom part of the Irons ensure no creases on your clothes. Each type of cloth demand different types of temperatures. Butterfly Irons have special temperature controls for different types of fabric.

Butterfly Irons are made with the basic uses of the normal household in mind. So they have tried to put all the necessary features you would need in an Iron for your home uses. They have been consistently putting products on the shelves for consumer advantage. The Iron ranges try to put the absolute necessities in one place. Butterfly appliances have been a reliable brand for a long time and prove its success with its Iron range as well

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