About Us

Who we are?

We the Amarprice.com is an online review platform formed in 2018. We are here to review and suggest each and every daily driver according to anyone’s need. We believe that people have the right to choose the best one for him/her. From that the belief we started this platform to help each other.

What we are going to do?

As we said we are going to review each and every daily driver we use in our daily life. We will compare those products with other products to choose the best one according to our need and price.

Here are at a glimpse of our target:

The mobile phones, gadgets and accessories market:

We will review the mobile and the related accessories like headphones, earphones, powerbanks, chargers etc. yeah of course we know there are a lot of different types of brands to give you the best products and service. But what exactly do you need? For you we will compare those products with other brands in terms of price, specification and performance. You can choose and buy anyone from them.

The laptop market:

Choosing a laptop has become a challenge nowadays because there are a plenty of brands, models, specifications and so on. So what should you do?
Just visit our site and YouTube channel because we are going to review the laptops according to your need.

The motorbike market:

Looking for buy a motorbike to counter traffic jam? Getting confused with lots of brands, different choices? Okay! Hang on! You will get your answer.
We will review motorbikes according to your need! We will review according to specification, according to price and according to performance, according to mileage and after sells service.

The companies:

Are you getting the quality service you need? Don’t be confused! Amarprice is here! We will review the companies who are giving daily service to you. We will review in terms of their service, packages and plans, pricing and so on. However, our target is to give you the best idea about what you are using, what you can use and get according to your need and budget.

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